1. How do I set up the SendGrid Unsubscribe feature?
- Log in to SendGrid: Go to the SendGrid login page: SendGrid Login.
- Activate Subscription Tracking: Navigate to Settings → Tracking → Subscription Tracking in your SendGrid account and activate it. This will append a global unsubscribe link to your emails.
- Add HTML Unsubscribe Content: Add the HTML content for the unsubscribe link as per your requirements.
- Configure Event Webhooks:
- Navigate to Mail Settings → Webhooks Settings → Event Webhooks.
- Click on the ⚙️ icon next to Event Webhooks.
- Subscribe to the event ‘Unsubscribed’ and click Save.
- View Unsubscribed Emails: To see unsubscribed email addresses, navigate to Suppressions → Global Unsubscribes.
2. What steps do I need to take to enable the standard unsubscribe email feature?
- Access Setup: Click the Gear icon in the upper right corner and select Setup.
- Enable Digital Experiences:
- In the Quick Find search on the left, find Digital Experiences.
- Choose Settings from the submenu.
- Check the box to Enable Digital Experiences and click Save.
- Create a New Site:
- Refresh the window, then search for All Sites in the Quick Find box.
- Click on the New button to be redirected to the Sites page.
- Click on Build Your Own (LWR) and then click the Get Started button.
- Click the Create button, then click on the Builder to proceed.
- Add Unsubscribe Form Custom Component:
- In the Builder, click on the Thunder Lightning icon (Components) located at the top left side.
- Drag the Unsubscribe Form Custom Component to Column 1.
- Click on the Settings button for the component.
- Configure Public Access:
- Tick the Public Access option.
- Click on the ‘Unsubscribe Profile’ in the Guest User Profile.
- Manage Apex Class Access:
- Search for Apex Class Access and click the Edit button.
- Add the class ‘UnsubscribeEmailNotification’ from the available Apex Classes.
- Click Save to finalize your changes.
- Publish the Site: Go to the Site Builder and publish the site.